Monday, May 3, 2010

earn the trust of your iguana pet.

Iguanas are very different from dogs and cats, since they are reptiles and therefore they do not need from a contact with the person, as they are more independent animals in this sense. Nevertheless, every person who has an iguana as pet, want to touch it and that he/she have more confidence with his owner, although this is not simple and requires time and a huge amount of patience.

First of all we must approach him/her in a cautious way and every day try to come further. It is normal that at first our approach is pushed back, but little by little the iguana will see that danger is not present and will let us approach. This is a simple way of being able to gain us his/her confidence and to do that an iguana could have more contact with us, let us take her, caress and others. It is a goal that every proprietor of iguana wants to obtain, to be closer to his pet.

We must be very attentive to the reactions that our iguana has at the time of approaching to feed him/her or simply to see her more closely. The more time happen together with our iguana, earlier we will be able to have a major confidence, because he/she will become used to our presence, to which we feed him and others. Patience and great calmness are needed to obtain the confidence of an iguana.

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