Monday, March 29, 2010

How to tame your new iguana pet

What to do when you bring your iguana home from the pet shop (part 2)

Following on my previous post regarding taming your iguana pet; by this time you'll have discover that the reptiles are not as sociable as dogs, cats or the small rodents. They do not show any interest at all to interact with humans; of who in they are afraid generally speaking. Anyways, with patience and perseverance you can achieve that your iguana goes so far to enjoy your presence and that become happy to see you.

It is very important to make sure that the iguana enclosure has the necessary conditions of temperature, moisture and lighting so that your iguana develops with vitality. If some of these factors are not as debit, the most probable thing is that he/she becomes drowsy, loses the appetite and falls ill, which would make any advice useless on domestication. Study everything regarding feeding so that he/she does not lack at all and flood of health could grow.

Surely you'll have chosen a healthy iguana, with a healthy green color, well active, alert and with good appetite. He/she must show some reaction when you approach, as looking at you, getting up, exhibiting the leather crease under his gullet. A newly acquired iguana that does not answer by any means is sick, much stressed or depressed with complete certainty. It is very important that you take her to a veterinary in the first week, together with a sample of fecal matter. The parasites are very frequent and it is really simple to eliminate them.
Once your iguana is really healthy and his/here terrarium in conditions you can start being related to your iguana to try to create a tie of confidence between the two. The smaller, the better, since it will be the easier to handle.

In general the iguanas extend the crease under the chin when seen you; showing off an attitude of defense or of aggression. If they are angered they usually move their head in a swaying open the jaws and wave their tail.
If he/she only it extends the crease, then you can try to touch your iguana. It is better that you do not raise it at first, on the other hand, put your hand to his height inside the iguana enclosure in a remote corner and then bring it over in a horizontal movement. Meanwhile speak to him with calm and soft voice. If it leaves you, you can caress his head or also offer your iguana a tender sheet that he likes, like a dandelion. Never bring your hand over from above, this way they attack some predators and they are scared very much. Repeat this procedure for a few days or weeks, according to the reaction of your iguana. When he realizes that you do not try to hurt your iguana and it is already not scared, they can grab/raise him carefully. Then raise him a little time every day to domesticate him. It is important that you go calmly and firmly. If he manages to scare you with his demonstrations, he will learn rapidly what he must do to dissuade you and will do it every time with major intensity up to becoming aggressive.

An iguana of 12 inches cannot hurt you, so you must not be afraid. On the other hand, do not raise it if it fights too much; you'll stress him more and will need to press hard in order to support him, something he will not like at all. If he escapes from you, do not take it of the tail, since it might lose it. Try to raise him in a closed, sure ambient and without hidden places where then you could not extract it. This way if he remains free you will not have a problem in taking it again with gentleness.

It can take him long time to realize that your intentions are good and you will not hurt him:
You must have good patience and keep on trying every day. You will see that when you achieve it, it will be much easier to raise your iguana and to caress him to you. Always speak to him softly, do not shout. The iguanas can learn some words, like no or bad, especially if you say them in another tone of voice. Also they recognize our corporal language, so that you can do visual signs while you speak.

Learns to recognize his frame of mind:
The rapid movements of head, agitation of the tail and the open mouth are signs of discomfort and aggressiveness. Meanwhile your iguana is small these show off must not stop you if you have to raise him, but look after of his mouth. A small iguana will not be able to hurt you too much and he must get accustomed that you lift him. If it bites you, do not withdraw your finger of a pull because the teeth are very sharp and it can do to you a court. Better waiting for which him to opens the mouth to put your finger away. Then washes and disinfects it very well. An adult iguana, on the other hand, can hurt you; that's why it is so important that you domesticate yours from early. Think that there will be many occasions in which you will have to raise your iguana, to clean the cage, to give him medication, to take him to the veterinarian or to change the water. Also if he becomes docile you will be able to extract it to sunbathing or to walking along a garden or the room and this will turn out to be very gratifying to the iguana.

A very good trick for when you have your iguana in arms and it is not very cozy is to move towards the sides slowly, as if you were rocking a baby. This seems to relax them very much and your iguana will calm down. If you decide to release it in a room it tries not to chase him and catch him again. This would scare him and would be it a regression in the relationship. You can always resort to the healthy tidbits so that it comes to you or to reward him when it is not aggressive.

Taming an iguana takes time and patience. Think about at least 3 months up to achieving that he is not scared and that you could trust in him. You have to obtain, as minimum, be able to raise him whenever you want without any attacks. Every iguana has a different personality, so that you will learn to know yours in order to apply the most appropriate methods. With patience and little intelligence you can make your iguana an affectionate, reliable and happy animal that enjoys your company.

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