Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Iguana Pets: Minding the iguana enclosure

Iguana enclosure | Things to have in mind while designing the pet terrarium.

The green iguana is not an animal difficult to have in captivity as pet; but one disadvantage they have is the space that they need.
An adult iguana pet might live easily in a whole room, but we must control very well the ratio of moisture and the temperature, which is difficult and expensive to do for a whole room.

For it, the most advisable thing is to place it in a big iguana enclosure (terrarium) especially conceived for him.

Since your iguana pet is small, way you have some time to be planning his definitive cage. The most usual thing is a wooden iguana enclosure, with one or more of the sides filled with hen-house wire, or a synthetic transparent material that allow a good visibility. Also it is possible to use glass, which is easy to clean and remains nice, but it is weighed and fragile at the time of installing it.
The wire allows to escape the heat and if it is not tightened well it is possible to deform, but your iguana pet will love it because it offers them a good surface to climb and also it allows good ventilation on the iguana enclosure. You will have to choose the material most adapted according to the temperature of your house.
The terrariums most possess sliding doors or jambs on his previous face, which allows a slow and easy approach towards his reptile in order to not stress him out. Also they should possess low ventilation ahead and  behind, which it allows air to circulate.
  • Size
Iguanas increases very rapidly their size, reaching in captivity the over 6 feet long, for what it is advisable that the terrarium is big from the beginning.
The minimal dimensions of this terrarium will be 10 by 4  by6 feet.
The rule of dump here is; the bigger, the better, period.

It is necessary to bear in mind that iguana pets need big vertical space because they spend most of the time climbed trunks or platforms. It is recommended to be as high as the length of the iguana (including the tail) or more, the length must be 1 ½ the body of the iguana and the breadth, than 2/3 of the length of the iguana. This type of cage can be located against the wall of a room and does not occupy so much floor space.
With these measurements the iguana has place like to walk, to turn round and to climb. Now it is necessary to give him a surface to climb. You can use thick sloping branches or ramps and some shelves in the end so that the iguana could rest there. Cover them with carpet of synthetic lawn so that it has where to stick with his fingernails, taking care that there do not stay free threads that could get entangled in the paws and hurt them. Another practical option and that remains nice is to wrap the branches or ramps with thick cords and them to adhere well so that they could not come undone and turn out to be dangerous. The iguanas usually spend most of the time climbed these high places, so it can be useful to locate there the heat source, but have the precaution of putting it out of his scope so that it could not burn himself.
  •  Substrate

It is convenient to avoid any substrate that is loose, as sawdust, sand or gravel, since the iguana can be consumed and to cause intestinal obstructions. You can use any type of paper role without ink; this one is not very attractive, but it is replaced easily when dirty and is cheap. Also, you could used synthetic carpet, which remains nicer. A way of keeping it clean is to cover the surface with squares of carpet, this way when one gets dirty, you withdraw it and change it into other while you disinfect the one that you removed. You can use lye (to dilute a part for every water ten) having the precaution of clarifying it very well then. If the cage of your iguana is very big you can use chips of wood (not neither pine nor cedar, since they can be poisonous) on the soil. As the iguanas spend almost all the time in height they will only go down to defecate on short periods. In their wild habitat, the iguanas live on the sand without problems, but in captivity they tend to consume the material of the substratum because they are bored and locked up. Independently of the substratum that you choose, it is very important that you keep it clean and dry. The animals that live in a dirty ambiance have many more chances that any small skin wound becomes infected and to develop painful abscesses or blister disease.

The terrarium must have solid branches, a lamp UV, a lamp that it warms and a lamp at night to prevent the temperature from going down too much in the night. Do not place a stone that it warms in the terrarium because the iguana will be in the danger of remaining the whole day climbing where the heat won't reach him and it may provoke serious burns.

Finally you need also a pair of receptacles for his meal and the water. They must be resistant and heavy so that the iguana could not overturn them when it is they who are raised. The water bowl serves so that the iguana drinks as freshens up and also, it's a help on supporting the high moisture of the enclosure. The iguanas usually take a bath and then defecate in the same water. Cleans the receptacle whenever he does it. Do not forget to provide to the terrarium of thermometers to control the temperature and a gauges for the moisture.

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