Saturday, March 6, 2010

Iguana Pet: How to keep them happy and healthy

Tips keep them happy and healthy and beautiful.

Suddenly the green iguana (iguana iguana) has been a peculiar pet. These times the iguana is been imported to the United States in a proportion close to ¾ of million animals per year; and to the rest of the world on more than  half of the number.
Most of the imports are young iguanas breed and grown on ranch across Central and South America.

This flow of iguana pets has caused a drop on the prices in reference to previews years and the price tag seen commonly on the USA goes as low as 10 bucks on pet stores.

Of the lcose to a million of iguanas registered their introduction to the United States;many of them won't get old enough to celebrate their birthday.

The fact is that many (if not all) of the dead iguana pets could be related to improper care.

Common illness of iguanas:

Most of the pathologies found on iguana pets, that should be diagnosed and treated by veterinarians, are   as well related to improper care of the animal.

Color changes:

A healthy iguana is green; specially when young.  Brownish and black colors can be consequence of improper environment temperature, over-exposure of UV rays and sometimes food poisoning. When some color changes are present, it is important to monitor this condition and adjust the temperature, UV exposure to the proper levels.

A young iguana pet with color variations trending yellow-brownish does not promise any good.


Sometimes, food rich in veggies and fruit, specially on the summer can cause diarrhea (frequent elimination of soft or liquid feces with a very intense odor). If this is the only symptom with no abnormal grow of abdomen or breathing problems, generally the problem go away by providing some lactic ferments (yogurt) and some dry food.

Wounds and abscesses:

Small tumors on extremities, snout, eyelids and the zone around the timpani membrane (ear) should not be careless. They are very common in the newly imported young iguanas still not accustomed to the captivity and to the manipulation on the part of the human being, often and without the necessary refuges.

The wounds can be observed also in adult iguanas of the same sex that they coexist in an iguana enclosure, although it is quite wide. In case of the males, they are a consequence of territorial distributions; in the females, it is observed during zeal.
Also, any type of cutaneous injury has not to of being careless to prevent from being able to become infected or evolve towards widespread forms: dermatitis bacterial, mycotic or septicemia.

Finger and tail injuries:

The injuries in the fingers are quite common and they can be provoked by the presence in the iguana tank of inadequate objects and of cables or ropes in which there can remain trapped the long fingers of the green iguana.
Also an irregular change of the skin forms  “rings“ of old skin that the blood glasses can compress placed below and to go this way to the necrosis (cellular death). To prepare this problem it is necessary to control attentively the change of our iguana and to make them take baths with and chamomile.

The same causes above said can provoke injuries in the tail. In addition to the already described prevention, it will be necessary to manipulate to the iguana supporting the tail for the base and without never taking him for the most external zones.

Metabolic Bone disease:

The precocious signs of this illness, which is very frequent in the young iguanas and in those who have overcome in little the year of life, are the following ones:
- increase of volume of the thighs and the previous paws, sometimes caused by the presence of spontaneous breaks of the humerus or femur, which can give the impression of which the animal has put on weight;
- distension of part or the totality of the jaw;
- distortion of one o more fingers;
scarce growth.

The iguana will show problems of movement that can come up to the palsy, muscular quakes or make difficult in the capture and masticating of the food.
This illness owes itself to food errors. It means that the iguana owner has given food that were not containing in the just proportion the calcium and the phosphorus that the animal needs. Also it is possible that the iguana has not received a sufficient irradiation of natural UVB (baths of the sun) and artificial. For this motive the most advisable thing is to use in the terrarium neon pipes that also emit UVB up to 5 %.

Respiratory Illnesses:

They take place often in iguanas imported (especially at the coldest stations) and lodged in terrarium badly drafty and super populated. The symptoms are:

- increase of the respiratory frequency and gap of the mouth;
- exit of bubbles and viscous material for the nostrils;
- sneezes (they must not make a mistake with the normal expulsion of sales);
- absence in appetite;
- change of color of the livery (that goes on from green to brown yellowish).

If it is necessary, the veterinarian will prescribe antibiotics and aerosols, and it will be necessary to give a lot of attention to the climatic conditions in the terrarium.

Cutaneous Parasites:

In the skin (loin, gap of the sewer, armpits) of the newly imported iguanas it is frequent to see red or blackish points that move rapidly: it is a question of mites, which often gather together under the scales of the iguana and raise them.
In the nature, the red mites (hirstiella trombidiformis) are typical of the green American iguana, whereas the dark mites (ophionnyssus natricis) infect normally to the snakes; nevertheless, in the places of the importers, who often lodge to numerous animals in limited spaces, the mites move and it stop even on animals that normally they do not attack.
It is necessary to fall to the animals after making them go out of the terrarium (without leaving that cool down too much). Next, it will be necessary to apply well the mite killer inside the terrarium. It is convenient to hope that the liquid should have dried off completely before placing the iguana in his house.
In spite of everything, it is necessary to bear in mind that many liquid products used for the parasites of dogs and cats are POISONOUS for the reptiles.

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